Following an invitation from the organizers, and representing brand4life, we are pleased to announce Mr Kousounadis’ participation in the jury,
evaluating the prestigious organization of the Supplement Awards 2022, which are organized for the 2nd consecutive year, in Greece, by BOUSSIAS, in order to reward the innovation in food supplements and promote the scientific validity of food and health products, aiming at safety and quality choices from consumers.
The jury consists of academics and renowned market executives, chaired by Ms. Renata Micha, RD PhD FAHA, Associate Professor of Human Nutrition, University of Thessaly. The panel is carefully selected to ensure the Awards judging process is fair and objective.
The role of the few selected executives who participate in the committee and represent the communication industry is to evaluate, in terms of communication and advertising, the promotional campaigns of certain candidacies. For more, click below!